
joi, 12 decembrie 2013

September - December

What happened in this month's...

In september - october I made the action plan andhad some meetings with my team :) it got bigger :D
we made a lesson schedule and had a talk whta we will de this year.

In november, came Florin Maris visit us :) this time he assisted a biology lesson - The nervous system, 7 th. grade, smart children who enjoyed using the smartboard.

After that, in december, the children from the 6 th grade created ther own Christmas story, using Storybirds, during the roumanian hour. Here are some story's:

           Baseball Geometry, with the the 6 th grade, an intresting math hour combined with games. Identifying types of angles and types os triangles, finding the area of triangles in a funny but educative way! We used . Ther was a competition, and i think Alex hited the moste home runs :)

duminică, 17 martie 2013

Ziua sigurantei pe internet

a little late, i'm sorry

the 9 th grade did some research and made some movies using PhotoPeach and Ribbet!
They worked in groups of 4-6 students, some used Ribbet to creat a collage, other used PhotoPeach to make o short presentation.

Here are some of them:

Using Ribbet: 

Using PhotoPeach

Viata reala vs viata virtuala. on PhotoPeach

Siguranta pe internet . Protejeaza-ti identitatea. on PhotoPeach

Siguranta pe internet... on PhotoPeach

or try this link 

duminică, 3 februarie 2013

Back to school

Week 1 is over, had a little chat with my headteacher and the other teschers from the school. I've presented to them the project.

I've selected a class for my first lesson, and made some preparation for this lesson. So I say, I respect the action plan... :)

More about this next week!

joi, 24 ianuarie 2013

Being an ICT Coordinator

Day 4 started with:

Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes... the ones who see things differently -- they're not fond of rules... You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them because they change things... they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.
I've learned what an ICT Coordinator has to do, there are many things, interesting things. Moor about them another time.
One of the things is to make the differences between "rabbits" and "turtles".
Talked about Roger's Innovation Adoption Curve - the four types of people: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards!
Trying to convince the mass of a new idea is useless! Convince innovators and early adopters first!
A 21st century teacher should:

miercuri, 23 ianuarie 2013

Wiki - Visiting Timisoara

Today we had to do a wiki about sightseeing in Timisoara.
In the morning, in groups of four, one from each county, we've visited an important place in Timisoara. I, and my colleges went to the Opera, took some pictures, made a short movie... and then came back to the hotel.
And then the funny part started: back in our county groups we had to create the wiki in 2h :) everyone had to present the he visited and then together to create the front page!
Here is the result... a short trip through Timisoara: click me!

Ribbet - colaje online

if u want to create a collage i recomand Ribbet. You can find it here and it's free and easy to use! You can add text, effects and other stuff to your collage! Here is a collage of Opera from Timisoara
The second one... visiting Timisoara. There is only one problem with Ribbet, if you misspell something and save the picture you can't undo it... :(

marți, 22 ianuarie 2013

Animals - Storybirs

Application Storybird - kind of easy to use... you can make some nice story with nice picture, but without sound. You must be careful what account type you chose. If you want o quick publishing of a story you should chose a teacher account, on a general account type u'll have to wait for the moderator to approve your story here is a short "story" with animals... the other one is waiting for approval!

A story ... made with PhotoStory 3

A movie about three piggies / Un filmulet cu cei 3 purcelusi

The movie was made with PhotoStory 3. It's a really nice application for making small movie. it is easy to use and it dosn't take a long time to do it.

Animoto.... a walk through Berlin!

a small video, taking you through Berlin....
Here is it!

Make your own slide show at Animoto.

PhotoPeach... NICE!

O mica prezentare in Photo Peach... despre Swarovski Crystal World in Innsbruck, Austria.
In mod story:

In mod spirala:

luni, 21 ianuarie 2013


eSafety - siguranta electronica - scopul acesteia este sporirea sigurantei pe intrenet prin implementarea și dezvoltarea sistemelor de siguranță bazate pe informații și tehnologii moderne de comunicare (TIC).
Este important sa invatam elevii/copiii asupra riscurilor pe care le pot intampina navigind pe Internet. Pentru aceasta ei trebuie sa invete cum sa fie cetateni digitali responsabili respectand niste reguli simple:
  • sa pastrezi informatiile personale private
  • tine cont de implicatiile p e tremen lung pe care le pot avea postarile
  • nu încărcați sau postati continut nepotrivit, ofensator sau ilegal online  
  • citiți cu atentie termenii si condițiile de utilizare oricărui site

In functie de varsta copiilor trebuie luate anumite masuri de siguranta, ca cat este mai mic ca atat masurile de siguranta trebuie sporite. Mai multe informatii puteti gasi aici.

      Un pericol pentru elevi, mai ales la cei proaspeti intrati la liceu sau la facultate este dorinta de socializare, de postare a vietii personale, pe diverse retele de socializare, prin poze si filmulete pentru a arata ce au facut ei in fiecare zi, sau in vacanta. 
     Din dorinta de a fi cat mai cunoscut in scoala, de a primi cat mai multe like-uri si comentarii la poza acestia is fac profilul public astfel incat oricine sa poata sa il acceseze.  Prin setarea profilului ca si public, in cazul retelei de socializare Facebook, acestia isi dau acordul pentru folosirea de terte parti a informatiilor si pozelor in diferite scopri. 
    Acesta este un risc de care putini sunt constienti si asupra carora ar trebui informati. O prezentare a politcii utilizate de catre Facebook il gasiti aici.
    Atat scolile cat si profesorii ar trebui sa se asigure ca elevii sunt contstienti de pericolele pe care le aduce internetul. Se poate limita sau chiar restrictiona accesul la internet sau la anumite site-uri cu continut neadecvat. 

About me....

So.... my name is Alexandra, I'm 28 years old.
I live and work in Caransebes at the Liceul Teoretic "Traian Doda" as an IT teacher!
I teach High school students, which have plenty of energy and love to use social networks,  especially Facebook...
This week I'll be in Timisoara at a course "Coordonatorul Tic in scoala - un pas inainte in invatamantul romanesc".